martes, 15 de enero de 2013

Y hoy también necesito recordar éstas...

1.  I can’t.

Truth be told, the only person who can tell you “you can’t” is you.  If you hear these words echoing in the back of your mind, tune them out.
Your faith can move mountains and your doubt can create them.  Self-doubt is the number one enemy of personal growth.  It is only when you shed your apprehension about your own capabilities and self-worth that you realize how much you are capable of, and that YOU CAN in fact do it.

You must realize that ‘tomorrow’ doesn’t exist – it never will.  The only guaranteed opportunity you have is the one you’re living now.  This moment is life.  There is no day but today.

Concentrate on that, and you’ll always be more productive. 

It’s better to quit now and cut my losses.

As Winston Churchill once said, “Success is never final, failure is never fatal.  It is courage to continue that counts.”
Persistence is the mother of all productive effort.  Failures, small and large, happen every day to the best of us.  The strongest, most productive people aren’t the people who always succeed, but the ones who don’t give up when they lose.
In the heat of the moment when you feel like quitting, think about how far you have come and why you started in the first place.  Oftentimes you’re a lot closer to making a breakthrough than you think.  Some people give up their efforts when they have almost reached their goal; while others, on the contrary, conquer their goals by exerting, up until the very last possible second, more vigorous efforts than ever before.
Bottom line:  Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit – KEEP GOING!

The pain is bad

Pain is part of the journey; your evaluation of it and what you do with it is a choice.  Each painful problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem.
Ultimately, your greatest successes will be the byproduct of recognizing a painful problem that exists and turning it into an opportunity.

Think, work, climb if you have to – keep moving your future forward.

Fuente: Marc and Angel.

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lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

Hoy necesito recordar cada una de estas palabras

Guard your dreams and go after them.

You need space to try things and create things.  It takes a long time to recalibrate if you let people pull at you all the time.  A lot of stress comes from reacting to stuff.  You have to keep a certain guard up against these negative influences.
Build an emotional barrier and allow yourself to dream and explore the passions that speak to the essence of who you are.  Then let those dreams and passions pull you steadily through the practical, hands-on work of bringing them to life.  Work through each day with diligence and persistence, doing what’s required.  And as you do, stay close to the dreamer that always lives within you.

Marc and Angel
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miércoles, 2 de enero de 2013

Nuevo año.........

Nuevo año......Todavía no he organizado mi cabeza, ni he hecho mi "listado de buenos propósitos", tareas pendientes...y deseo de que las cosas MEJOREN para todos y que yo salgo de esta situación en la que me encuentro.
Para iluminar este nuevo año una "estrella" del tutorial de ellinée, un imprescindible para mi por sus tutoriales geniales....

DIY Paper Medallion Stars

Paper Star Medallion Tutorial

viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2012

Consejos para mantener el orden...y limipita la casa...

En una de mis revistas de decoración favoritas he encontrado varias webs interesantes:
Orden en casa: sistemas de almacenamiento y consejos para rentabilizar los metros y la capacidad de los armarios tiene un boletín donde te informan de los nuevos productos y te dan consejos útiles.
Madre de mi Alma: Muchos proyectos DIY para ordenar.
Homing: Tienda on-line aunque con buenos y útiles consejos

Y para mantener limpita la casa:
Hogar util: Hace una lista de "imprescindibles"
Me lo ha dicho margarita: consejos de todo tipo belleza, ahorro, orden, limpieza
Limpio mi casita: cualquier duda sobre limpieza será resuelta.

miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2012

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012

12+1 maneras de decir a los nuestros cuánto los queremos....

Gracias a Sweet Tidings he descubierto que el Huffington Post, nos ha dejado recogido en imágenes...12 +1 maneras de hacer tarjetas navideñas...ideas preciosas!!!!!!!!!