jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

Nunca renuncies...

Hoy me siento triste, así que cuando he encontrado esta frase me ha animado...hace mucho tiempo que persigo un sueño, aprobar mi oposición, lo rozo...pero me quedo siempre ahí...la tendré que recordar más a menudo para no caer en el desánimo.

martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

Galletas con Pepitas de Chocolate

Hoy inauguro esta sección tengo una carpeta en mi e-mail llena de recetas que muchas no hago, por pereza a entrar....como está el día tristón haré unas galletas....El 100% practicamente será tomadas de mi blog fetiche: www.midulcetentacion.es por si alguien me lee y se anima a entrar...


Ingredientes:- 3 cucharadas de Cola Cao con pepitas de chocolate, bien colmadas.
- 200 grms de mantequilla a temperatura ambiente.
- 60 grms de gotas de chocolate troceadas toscamente.
- 1/2 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla.
- 90 grms de azúcar.
- Una pizca de sal.
- 250 grms de harina.
- 1 huevo.


Con ayuda de las varillas mezclaremos la mantequilla junto con el azúcar y el extracto de vainilla hasta conseguir una crema blanquecina. Añadiremos el Cola Cao con pepitas, el huevo (batido) y seguiremos batiendo. Incorporaremos a la mezcla la harina y la sal tamizadas. Una vez bien mezclado todo haremos una bola y la envolveremos en film transparente. Dejaremos que repose en la nevera una hora. Cogeremos porciones de la masa del tamaño de una nuez e iremos haciendo bolas que iremos colocando sobre el silpat o papel de horno. Espolvorearemos las gotas de chocolate presionando ligeramente para que se peguen a la masa. Hornearemos a 180º, horno precalentado con calor arriba y abajo, durante 15 minutos. Una vez fuera del horno dejaremos que las galletas reposen cinco minutos en la bandeja del horno y las pasaremos a una rejilla para que enfríen por completo.

viernes, 1 de marzo de 2013

Una de viajes....

para las amantes de Nueva York...como yo...a no perder los locales recomendados en el blog de Liz and Jewels...gracias a la recomendación del blog "holamama".


sábado, 23 de febrero de 2013

Pensamientos para esta semana....:O)

1. The Foundation of Acceptance

Life is a series of continuous natural events and changes. Don’t resist them; doing so only creates unnecessary stress. Let the reality of these events and changes take place. Let them flow. Or as Henry Wadsworth once said, “For after all, the best thing one can do when it is raining is let it rain.”

Acceptance is letting go and allowing things to be the way they truly are. It doesn’t mean you don’t care about improving the realities of life; it’s just realizing that the only thing you really have control over is yourself. This simple understanding is the foundation of acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be peace and growth.

2. The Land of Appreciation

If you believe you would finally be happy if you had twice the amount of the things you already have – time, money, friends, cars, snazzy dress shoes, etc. – you would be sadly mistaken. Because if you aren’t happy with what you have, you won’t be any happier when what you have is doubled.

As Socrates once said, “Contentment is natural wealth, luxury is artificial poverty.” Do not waste all your happiness by overlooking everything you have for everything you wish you had. If you do, you will never have enough. Instead, appreciate the goodness that is already yours, and you will instantly find a lot more to smile about. Read The Happiness Project:.

3. The Muscle of Positive Action

In life, you get what you put in. Every moment of your life is dynamic, responding exclusively to your inputs. When you put a positive, productive effort into it you will receive a useful outcome from it. This is the greatest power you possess – the power you have over your own choices and actions. Instead of attempting to gain power over others and external situations, exercise the unlimited power you already have over yourself.

Forget about the past, the future, and where others are in their journey. Put your mind at ease. Put the worrying and complaining to rest. Focus on your living, breathing, present self. What can you do right now to make a difference? Get positive, get productive, and get busy putting the possibilities of this moment to the test.

4. Intuition

“At times you have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you’ll discover will be wonderful. What you’ll discover is yourself.” -Alan Alda

Your intuition is a gift. It is your third eye – a way of seeing with your soul. Pay attention to what it shows you. More often than you realize, you have the answers you seek already inside you. Your unconscious mind is the greatest source of your genius; you just have to pay attention.

Trusting your intuition is trusting your true self, and the more you trust your true self, the more control you have of making your goals and dreams come true. Read 1,000 Little Things.

5. Expectation

“Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.” -Alexander Pope

As you get older you will find that life isn’t necessarily any easier or harder than you thought it was going to be; it’s just that the easy and the hard aren’t exactly the way you had anticipated, and don’t always occur when you expect them to. This isn’t a bad thing; it makes life interesting. With a positive attitude you will always be pleasantly surprised.

When you stop expecting things to be a certain way, you can appreciate them for what they are. Ultimately you will realize that life’s greatest gifts are rarely wrapped the way you expected. Read The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

6. Life Experience

“Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment.” -Rita Mae Brown

Experience is what you get when your plans don’t go as planned, and experience is the most valuable commodity you own – it builds your strength.

You have the power to turn your wounds and worries into wisdom; you just have to do something about them. You have to accept what has happened and use what you’ve learned to step forward. Everything you’ve experienced has given you the upper hand for dealing with everything you have yet to experience. Realize this and set yourself free.